Supporting exceptional talent across the world
The Trust aims to help and foster the talent of young artists through the award of bursaries, scholarships, prizes and grants primarily through the established Opera platforms and to individual students.
The Trust provides support for artists as they progress from studying at a musical academy to performing at major international opera houses.
Application Process
Each year the Trust will consider applications from opera houses, festivals, academies and students to support programmes that develop young artists with exceptional potential.
Applications should be made in writing and will be considered by the Trustees on a quarterly basis.
Applications should provide the following information:
- Name and homepage of opera house, festival or academy
- Details of associated Young Artist Programme, the suggested scholarship amount and how the support would be used
- Applications should be limited to no more than 500 words and successful applicants will be contacted. Applications for support of an already established programme that seek to provide ongoing support and legacy to opera houses, festivals and academies are more likely to be considered.
Support is considered for programmes and individuals that develop a career in Opera including opera houses,
festivals, academies, singers, directors, conductors and accompanists.